The Center and Valguero are live!!

The Center ( 100x PvP The Center) and Valguero ( 100x PvP Valguero) are live and ready for your enjoyment. Please let me know if any of you have issues getting to the new maps we just added. Happy hunting! Thanks all!

The Center and Valguero Coming Soon!

I have one more server that is not currently being used for anything. With 16GB of free memory to use, I can run two more maps. Based on feedback from all of you, I’ve decided the add The Center and Valguero. This will give us a total of 4 maps on our cluster. Invite your … Read more

Dino Wipe Time!

We’re about to wipe all the wild dinos. So say good bye to the old and hello to the new. For they shall soon all be gone and respawned anew! Making way for new life to spawn, rebalancing the ecosphere! RIP current generation, Welcome new!